Our goal is to find the perfect match for every position. This means we can't guarantee that we will have a suitable opportunity for you immediately. Instead, based on your detailed preferences, we will identify and present to you only the positions that accurately reflect your chosen professional path as they arise. It's a win/win for both candidate and client.
We will always discuss opportunities with you in detail, respect your choices and ask your permission to proceed with client presentations of your background and experience. People are often surprised to find out that we offer high quality career advice, even when we don't have a suitable opportunity right away. We believe in building relationships and taking a long-term view. We will keep your resume on file, and stay tuned in to your career development. You can look to us as your ongoing career advocate. This way, when the right opportunity becomes available, we can immediately make the match.
We've found that business people who have a lot of talent and many opportunities can be unsure of what they really want, and how to go about getting it. We have a range of skills and tools to help you identify what's really important to you.